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Growing rapidly from a toxicology lab to a full-service referral laboratory, Luxor Scientific Medical Laboratories provides laboratory testing for hospitals, clinics, laboratories, universities, and commercial and governmental organizations across the country. Luxor Scientific provides testing for infectious and gastrointestinal diseases, genetics and cancer, wellness, clinical drug monitoring, women’s health, allergy, anatomic pathology, and more. Their testing includes several laboratory-developed tests, and their team of scientists continues to develop proprietary technology, resulting in an extensive menu of highly complex and unique diagnostic testing options.

Luxor Scientific’s growth was enabled by the implementation of Orchard Software’s laboratory information system (LIS) solutions, which give them the connectivity, workflow support, and scalability they need to continue to grow. As Luxor Scientific grew from a toxicology lab to COVID-19 testing and beyond, they realized that a more robust LIS was necessary to handle molecular testing and create the customized reports they required. Being familiar with Orchard’s reputation, they selected Orchard as their LIS partner largely based on the functionality and customization available in Orchard® Molecular™, which they couldn’t find from other vendors.

Read more in our Customer Testimonial here.