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In a recent Whitehat Communications webinar, Jeanne Mumford, BS, MT(ASCP), provides excellent resources and tips for Point-of-Care coordinators. In this session, Jeanne talks about how to manage new test requests in your point of care program. You’ll hear her experiences and shared techniques on how to analyze the request and its possible impact to your existing program. You’ll also learn how to overcome challenges of interfacing point of care devices and how to manage your point of care program locally and in a large healthcare system.


Learning Objectives

  1. Identify key components in developing a formal approval structure for new test requests
  2. Recognize and overcome common IT issues when interfacing point of care devices
  3. Examine how to integrate new tests into your point of care program

About the Speaker

Jeanne Mumford is the Pathology Manager for Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) for Johns Hopkins Medicine. Jeanne offers 22 years of experience in Point-of-Care testing regulatory oversight, quality assurance projects and laboratory inspection preparedness and planning.  She participates in many professional organizations including the Critical and POCT Division of AACC and the CLSI Expert Panel for POCT. Jeanne is the president of KEYPOCC, the Point-of-Care coordinators group. She consults with vendors on product development and instrument connectivity and serves her community at home through her philanthropic endeavors with the United Way of Central Maryland. In August 2022, she was awarded the Point-of-Care Coordinator of the Year by the AACC Critical and Point-of-Care Testing Division.