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Orchard Software is in the midst of another successful trade show year. From March 23rd to 28th, we attended our kick-off trade show conference of the year, USCAP (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology) in Baltimore, MD. This year’s conference welcomed over 4,000 attendees, and we had the pleasure of visiting with many of them at our booth. USCAP remains the world’s largest gathering of pathologists and hosts attendees from hospitals, private labs, academic institutions, and the government. The event showcases the groundbreaking research and evolving pathology solutions that help current and future generations of pathologists. Orchard attends USCAP annually because our Pathology system is at the forefront of the field and because we support digital pathology form scanners to results.

“USCAP was a great opportunity to meet with other vendors that we often integrate and partner with, including vendors for digital pathology, speech recognition software, labeling devices, autostainer devices, and instruments,” said Leigh Boje, one of Orchard’s product managers who attended the event. “Some of our current and past customers also stopped by and chatted with us.” We look forward to attending this major event once again in 2025!

The second show that Orchard attended this year was the ASCP (American Society for Clinical Pathology) Knowledge Lab, held in San Antonio, TX from April 30th to May 1st. This event remains the premier destination for current and aspiring leaders in the laboratory industry. This year’s event had a smaller show floor that suited the more focused, boutique nature of the event. “These smaller shows are nice and little more laid back, which makes it easy for Orchard’s representatives to meet with our current and potential clients in an intimate, 1-1 setting,” said Megan Renn, Orchard’s Strategic Marketing Manager. We would like to thank our clients who stopped by and visited with us at this event.