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Orchard Software is excited to share our new podcast series—The LIS Connection. Topics will help laboratories discover ways to be as efficient as possible, maximize their LIS, and stay up to date on the industry’s latest events. Listen in and gain tips as we speak with industry experts who share their strategies, solutions, and stories to improve their lab’s capabilities and contributions.


Episode 1 – Superior Lab Support

The first episode is titled Superior Lab Support. Moderated by Ken Dawson, Orchard’s Manager of Customer Advocacy, the episode discusses how labs can gain efficiency with the right level of vendor support and collaboration. Ken interviews Aaron Hendrickson, Chief Information Officer at Jefferson City Medical Group about their lab’s ongoing challenges, how they are addressing those challenges, and their experience with Orchard Software’s Customer Care Team. Access Episode 1 of the podcast.

Episode 2

Episode 2 will focus on how a laboratory can define its strategy to bring value to value-based care contracts and why that is important. Matt Modleski, Orchard’s Executive VP of Corporate Business Development will share his expertise in strategy and value-based care; plus explain where laboratories and their data can make an impact on an organization’s bottom line and support best patient care.

Future Podcasts

The goal of The LIS Connection podcast series is to bring relevant topics to laboratory professionals related to their industry and LIS, helping you to maximize how you use your LIS and your relationship with your LIS vendor to make improvements in your lab. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes on cloud-hosted LISs, ideas for LIS implementation, and more.