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108 Results for

Search term point of care

The Value of the Lab in the New Healthcare Model

The Value of the Lab
in the New Healthcare Model

30 Years of Innovation & Laboratory Partnerships in Orchard Software’s History

30 Years of Innovation & Laboratory Partnerships in Orchard Software’s History

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in the Laboratory

Artificial Intelligence in the clinical laboratory has great potential for improving patient care and operational efficiencies. From scanning radiological and pathology images to predicting outcomes from medical data, AI tools can rapidly analyze large data sets and identify patterns for diagnoses and therapy.

Five Ways to Improve Point-of-Care Testing ROI

Standardizing your POCT program is one of five ways to improve your point-of-care testing ROI. Click to learn more.

Employee Spotlight on: Renee Impson, Director of Business and Quality Management

Employee Spotlight on:
Renee Impson,
Director of Business and Quality Management

Northwest Alabama Cancer Center Moves Harvest LIS to the Cloud

Faced with impending costs to replace aging hardware and limited staff for IT support, Northwest Alabama Cancer Center (NWACC) decided to invest in Orchard’s cloud-based laboratory information system.

5 Ways to Improve POCT ROI: Paper Overview

5 Ways to Improve POCT ROI: Paper Overview

Mary Lanning Healthcare Leverages Orchard’s Products to Promote Patient Care Improvements

A longtime Orchard Software customer, Mary Lanning Healthcare use multiple Orchard products to effectively boost lab efficiency, speed test reporting, improve patient safety, and increase their lab’s overall contribution to patient care.

Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA) Lab Services Improve with Orchard’s Solutions

Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA) turned to Orchard Software's LIS solutions to help eliminate manual processes and add to their in-house testing menu to better serve their patient population.

Orchard Insights – Leverage Laboratory Data & Improve Patient Care

Orchard Insights - Leverage Laboratory Data & Improve Patient Care

KANA Leverages Orchard’s Cloud & System Admin Services to Improve Patient Care

KANA Leverages Orchard’s Cloud & System Admin Services to Improve Patient Care

The Importance of Laboratory Stewardship

In the Importance of Laboratory Stewardship, laboratories are encouraged to find new ways to contribute in a value-based, patient-centered healthcare system, broadening their impact, and proving their worth within their organization.