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How the Laboratory Fits into Value-based Contracting

As our healthcare system continues to move toward value-based systems, it is important for laboratory professionals to understand how this shift impacts their service and where laboratory data comes into play in value-based contracts.

June 12, 2020
[Infographic] Recent Poll Reveals Major Challenges Point-of-Care Coordinators Experience

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April 10, 2019
Laboratories Raise the Bar for COVID-19 Testing, but U.S. Test Numbers Still Lag

Laboratories across the U.S. are quickly ramping up their ability to collect, process, and test for COVID-19. The pace of new development is impressive now that testing has moved beyond the CDC and into public health, reference, hospital, and commercial l

March 20, 2020
Population Health
Population Health Defined

Today’s healthcare system is focused on care across the entire care continuum, including efforts to engage patients in care decisions, with the goal of proactively improving the health of the...

January 23, 2019
Population Health
How Labs Can Contribute to Population Health Management

Orchard Software’s newest white paper discusses the growing practice of population health management (PHM) and the opportunity for laboratories to understand and be involved in PHM to...

January 25, 2018
Point-of-care Testing (POCT) Must Be Integrated to Reach Full Potential

In order to achieve immediate access to those results and reap the benefits of POCT, the results must be readily available in the EHR—meaning POCT must be integrated to achieve its full potential.

December 5, 2019
The Financial Analysis Tools You Need to Evaluate Your LIS Investment

Orchard’s white paper, Total Cost of Ownership for a Laboratory Information System , discusses TCO throughout the lifetime of the LIS. In addition, other commonly used financial tools such as...

December 18, 2018
Lab Stewardship
Choosing Wisely as a Resource to Improve Test Utilization

Slowly, but surely, efforts being made by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation’s, Choosing Wisely campaign are taking hold, making measurable progress in improving...

December 11, 2018
Does Moving Your LIS to the Cloud Make Sense for Your Laboratory?

Orchard Software has taken its 25 plus years of laboratory IT experience and combined it with the latest technologies to offer cloud hosting services.

September 4, 2020
Another Hot Topic for 2020: Digitalization & AI in Healthcare

AI has been a buzzworthy term for a while now, as we keep hearing it is the next big thing. So much hype has led us to be speculative about its tangible contributions. However, expect AI to continue gaining traction as we move into 2020 because practical

January 13, 2020
Considering a New Laboratory Information System Investment? Read Orchard Software’s White Paper Overview of the Total Cost of Ownership for an LIS

In today’s evolving healthcare market, it is important to make fully informed investments. Even when you know the up-front costs of a laboratory information system (LIS) or other IT system, calculating total cost of ownership (TCO) helps you understand c

November 7, 2018
COVID-19, Newsletter
Orchard Tools for COVID-19 Testing Support

Orchard is committed to assisting public health laboratories and other laboratories that are involved in COVID-19 testing by efficiently integrating software and informatics tools that support testing workflow and by providing customer service that enables timely testing.

March 23, 2021

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