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Industry, Newsletter
Highlight Reel: Orchard at 2021 AACC

November 3, 2021
Newsletter, Point-of-Care
5 Ways to Improve POCT ROI: Paper Overview

November 4, 2021
5 Ways to Improve POCT ROI

Five strategies to enhance the return on investment (ROI) of point-of-care testing (POCT) in healthcare settings. These strategies include optimizing test menu selection to align with clinical needs, integrating POCT data with electronic medical records for comprehensive patient care, implementing quality control measures to ensure accurate results, leveraging connectivity solutions for seamless data exchange, and conducting regular assessments to monitor and improve POCT performance.

August 30, 2021
Lab Administration, LIS
6 Ways Your LIS Optimizes Lab Productivity & Reimbursement

Here are six ways in which a Laboratory Information System (LIS) can optimize lab productivity and reimbursement. These methods include automating manual tasks to streamline workflow, implementing rules-based decision support to improve efficiency and accuracy, integrating with billing systems for seamless reimbursement processes, utilizing analytics to identify areas for improvement, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and leveraging cloud-based solutions for flexibility and scalability.

August 30, 2021
Automate Molecular Testing & Free Up Laboratory Staff

This blog discusses the benefits of automating molecular testing processes in laboratories to alleviate staff workload. Learn how automation can streamline repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors, and improve turnaround times for test results.

August 23, 2021
Watch Our Webinar: “Do More With Less” Ease the Burden of Staff Shortages & Boost Lab Productivity

Whitehat and Orchard Webinars

Newsletter, Training
Training Class Schedule

The class schedule for Orchard Software's instructor-led training for system administrators, lab administrators, and advanced users.

Spotlight on Orchard Point-of-Care Data Management Solution

Orchard® Point-of-Care™ helps Point-of-Care Coordinators (POCCs) meet regulatory requirements and improve overall efficiency, patient safety, reimbursement, and population health management initiatives.

New Updates to Orchard Outreach Provide Useful Tools for Laboratories

Orchard Gains Molecular Capabilities

Orchard Software has acquired Corwen, LLC to accelerate our LIS’ molecular capabilities and strengthen our commitment to provide the most comprehensive, integrated LIS solution.

May 3, 2021
Orchard is Proud to Partner with Leaders in Healthcare Excellency — Mitchell County Hospital District Recognized Among the Top Critical Access Hospitals

April 20, 2021

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