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Do You Struggle with Your Point-of-Care Testing Operators?

March 23, 2021
Industry, Point-of-Care
2021 Opportunities for Continuing Education: Point-of-Care Webinars

March 24, 2021
Newsletter, Training
2021 Training Class Schedule

March 26, 2021
Newsletter, Training
Orchard eLearning: Virtual Training for End Users Now Available!

March 26, 2021
Read Our Point-of-Care Case Study to Learn About Orchard Point-of-Care in Action at Beatrice Community Hospital & Health

Orchard Point-of-Care contributed to a significant improvement in their laboratory's ability to manage the complexities of a multi-location POCT program

March 23, 2021
Population Health
Expanding the Lab’s Role in Population Health Management

The laboratory is a key ancillary with a large amount of data that can be incorporated into population health management (PHM). With an understanding of PHM, the lab can play a more active role in...

January 28, 2019
Laboratories Addressing the COVID-19 Surge

As of April 1, the U.S. has more than 185,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 4,000 deaths. As the virus continues to spread and quarantine orders are issued across the nation, laboratories are working diligently to increase the ability to rapidly test for t

April 3, 2020
Two POCT Case Studies – The Power of Connectivity

Capturing data at the point of care is becoming even more important in value-based care. Below are two examples of improvements that have been made at healthcare facilities through the introduction of a POCT connectivity solution.

December 17, 2019
Does Moving Your LIS to the Cloud Make Sense for Your Laboratory?

Orchard Software has taken its 25 plus years of laboratory IT experience and combined it with the latest technologies to offer cloud hosting services.

September 4, 2020
Another Hot Topic for 2020: Digitalization & AI in Healthcare

AI has been a buzzworthy term for a while now, as we keep hearing it is the next big thing. So much hype has led us to be speculative about its tangible contributions. However, expect AI to continue gaining traction as we move into 2020 because practical

January 13, 2020
COVID-19 Forecast

At this point in the COVID-19 pandemic, there are numerous mathematical models that are attempting to predict what happens moving forward.

March 25, 2020
Considering a New Laboratory Information System Investment? Read Orchard Software’s White Paper Overview of the Total Cost of Ownership for an LIS

In today’s evolving healthcare market, it is important to make fully informed investments. Even when you know the up-front costs of a laboratory information system (LIS) or other IT system, calculating total cost of ownership (TCO) helps you understand c

November 7, 2018

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