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The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC-HIT) certifies HIT based on specific requirements. ONC-HIT began certifying HIT as part of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs, often referred to as Meaningful Use (MU), administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

As applicable to an LIS, Orchard Software continues to maintain product compliance with current certification standards and updates are made as the criteria advances. The document below defines the specific Orchard products and versions and their certification statuses.

ONC Certification

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Leidos Labs is pleased to announce that Health IT Harvest version 15 attained Health IT Modular Certification from the Leidos Labs ONC Health IT Certification Program. Certification was granted based on rigorous and thorough testing by Leidos Labs, an Accredited Test Lab (ATL), against the following ONC Approved Test Procedures:

Quality MeasuresNone

Vendor Orchard Software Corporation
Certification Date January 1, 2025
Product Certified Harvest version 15
Type Modular Health IT Certification
Certificate Number
Certification Criteria tested 170.315(b) Care Coordination
170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information (EHI) Export
170.315(d) Privacy and Security
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, access control, and authorization
170.315(d)(2) Auditable events and tamper-resistance
170.315(d)(3) Audit reports
170.315(d)(7) End-user device encryption
170.315(d)(12) Encrypt authentication credentials
170.315(d)(13) Multi-factor authentication
170.315(f) Public Health
170.315(f)(3) Transmission to public health agencies – reportable labs
170.315(g) Design and Performance
170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System
170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-centered design
Additional Software Required for Use None
Additional Costs/Fees Annual support contract fee, additional per interface fee if certified interfaces were not implemented during original installation/implementation of LIS.

Limitations (Contractual/Business Practices)

Limitations of a contractual nature (including developer policies and other business practices) that a user may encounter:

In the implementation or use of the capability: Failure to maintain support contract would result in ending maintenance/support for the products. Any interruption to the functionality would not be addressed until client became current on support.
In connection with the data generated in the course of using the capability: None

Limitations (Technical/Practical)

Limitations of a technical, technological or practical nature that a user may encounter that could:

Prevent or impair the successful implementation, configuration, customization, maintenance, support or use of the capability: Lack of a functioning interface with an EHR or other Health IT would prevent transfer of data via HL7 messaging. Clients are instructed to make sure the necessary details for any interface with another vendor are worked out prior to implementation.
prevent or limit the use, exchange, or portability of any data generated in the course of using the capability: None


View Certificate

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Leidos Labs is pleased to announce that Health IT Harvest version 14 attained Health IT Modular Certification from the Leidos Labs ONC Health IT Certification Program. Certification was granted based on rigorous and thorough testing by Leidos Labs, an Accredited Test Lab (ATL), against the following ONC Approved Test Procedures:

Quality MeasuresNone

Vendor Orchard Software Corporation
Certification Date May 18, 2023
Updated September 19, 2023
Product Certified Harvest version 14
Type Modular Health IT Certification
Certification Number
Certification Criteria tested 170.315(b) Care Coordination
170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information (EHI) Export
170.315(d) Privacy and Security
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, access control, and authorization
170.315(d)(2) Auditable events and tamper-resistance
170.315(d)(3) Audit reports
170.315(d)(7) End-user device encryption
170.315(d)(12) Encrypt authentication credentials
170.315(d)(13) Multi-factor authentication
170.315(f) Public Health
170.315(f)(3) Transmission to public health agencies – reportable labs
170.315(g) Design and Performance
170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System
170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-centered design
Additional Software Required for Use None
Additional Costs/Fees Annual support contract fee, additional per interface fee if certified interfaces were not implemented during original installation/implementation of LIS.

Limitations (Contractual/Business Practices)

Limitations of a contractual nature (including developer policies and other business practices) that a user may encounter:

In the implementation or use of the capability: Failure to maintain support contract would result in ending maintenance/support for the products. Any interruption to the functionality would not be addressed until client became current on support.
In connection with the data generated in the course of using the capability: None

Limitations (Technical/Practical)

Limitations of a technical, technological or practical nature that a user may encounter that could:

Prevent or impair the successful implementation, configuration, customization, maintenance, support or use of the capability: Lack of a functioning interface with an EHR or other Health IT would prevent transfer of data via HL7 messaging. Clients are instructed to make sure the necessary details for any interface with another vendor are worked out prior to implementation.
prevent or limit the use, exchange, or portability of any data generated in the course of using the capability: None


View Certificate

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Leidos Labs is pleased to announce that Health IT Orchard Enterprise Lab version 11 attained Health IT Modular Certification from the Leidos Labs ONC Health IT Certification Program. Certification was granted based on rigorous and thorough testing by Leidos Labs, an Accredited Test Lab (ATL), against the following ONC Approved Test Procedures:

Vendor Orchard Software Corporation
Certification Date June 18, 2024
Product Certified Orchard Enterprise Lab 11
Type Modular Health IT Certification
Certification Number
Certification Criteria tested 170.315(b) Care Coordination
170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information (EHI) Export
170.315(d) Privacy and Security
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, access control, and authorization
170.315(d)(2) Auditable events and tamper-resistance
170.315(d)(3) Audit reports
170.315(d)(7) End-user device encryption
170.315(d)(12) Encrypt authentication credentials
170.315(d)(13) Multi-factor authentication
170.315(f) Public Health
170.315(f)(3) Transmission to public health agencies – reportable labs
170.315(g) Design and Performance
170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System
170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-centered design
Additional Software Required for Use None
Additional Costs/Fees Annual support contract fee, additional per interface fee if certified interfaces were not implemented during original installation/implementation of LIS.

Limitations (Contractual/Business Practices)

Limitations of a contractual nature (including developer policies and other business practices) that a user may encounter:

In the implementation or use of the capability: Failure to maintain support contract would result in ending maintenance/support for the products. Any interruption to the functionality would not be addressed until client became current on support.
In connection with the data generated in the course of using the capability: None

Limitations (Technical/Practical)

Limitations of a technical, technological or practical nature that a user may encounter that could:

Prevent or impair the successful implementation, configuration, customization, maintenance, support or use of the capability: Lack of a functioning interface with an EHR or other Health IT would prevent transfer of data via HL7 messaging. Clients are instructed to make sure the necessary details for any interface with another vendor are worked out prior to implementation.
prevent or limit the use, exchange, or portability of any data generated in the course of using the capability: None


View Certificate

Compliance with Multi-factor authentication 170.315(d)(13) This Health IT Module supports multi-factor authentication in which a computer user is granted access only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism: knowledge (something the user and only the user knows), possession (something the user and only the user has), and inherence (something the user and only the user is).